× Positions are available for researchers at all levels! Interested? Contact Dr. Maranas!

The Maranas research group is always accepting applications for highly motivated undergraduate researchers, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Maranas at [email protected] for more information. Listed below are position(s) which the Maranas group is actively seeking to fill.

Postdoctoral positions on metabolic modeling and protein design at Penn State University

The C. Maranas group (maranasgroup.com) at Penn State invites applications for postdoctoral positions at the interface of optimization algorithms, machine-learning ML, metabolic modeling and protein design beginning as soon as possible. The positions are for one year, renewable for two additional years. The candidate will work closely with Professor Costas D. Maranas maranasgroup.com. For further information, please email [email protected].

PREREQUISITES: Applicant’s background may include studies in: Chemical Engineering, Computational Biology, Optimization Algorithms/Machine-Learning, Microbial Metabolism, Biophysics and Biochemistry. We particularly encourage applicants with expertise in (i) metabolic modeling using flux balance analysis (FBA), resource balance analysis (RBA) and/or kinetic models or (ii) computational protein design using biophysical models or ML for enzymes and membrane pores. The successful candidate will work in a highly collaborative and international environment. Collaborating and partners include but are limited to the DOE funded Center for Bioenergy Innovation (CBI), Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI), and the NSF funded Molecule Make Lab Institute (MMLI). Applications from women and under-represented minorities are strongly encouraged and will be given high consideration.

Application Instructions
Applications should include a CV (including the names of at least two references) and a one-page letter of past and future research interests. Please submit your applications to Professor Costas D. Maranas: [email protected] as soon as possible. The positions will remain open until filled.